Wednesday 20 August 2014

Re-Nationalise the Railways? Maybe it’s Time!

It’s that time of year when rail passengers find out how much their fares are going up by again. The latest rise, determined by today's RPI inflation figure, will take the overall increase in fares to around 25% during this Parliament. That’s just extortionate! Labour has had to weigh in too with Shadow transport secretary Mary Creagh warning of a further rise of 24% by 2018 should the Conservatives stay in power. All that’s just the usual political tit-for-tat, but there should now be a bigger issue going on in the background, that of who actually owns and runs the railways and who pays for them.

Train travel shouldn’t be expensive; it should benefit from "economy of scale" and be the cheapest form of transport. This is where it fails. It is often more expensive than a taxi. Some European lines cost one-seventh of those in the UK. The average commute into London costs three and a half times that into Paris and ten times that into Rome.

Fares are so high in the UK because of the Treasury's rail franchise bid system where the highest bid wins, meaning the passengers have to pay higher fares. It is in effect a stealth tax imposed by the Treasury hiding behind the rail operators to raise more revenue from an unsuspecting public being steadily priced off the railways.

All Done Wrong
The privatisation of the railways was done against the advice of everyone who knew anything about the subject. Quite predictably, it cost far more in subsidies than the old nationalised system. In a few years it destroyed more than a century of experience in safety and track maintenance.

Don’t forget, it finished off most of what was left of our train manufacturing businesses. Passenger numbers increased not because of privatisation but in spite of it, as more and more people were forced by unhinged house prices to commute vast distances to work – and could only do so by train.

Good Idea if Done Right
Privatisation was a fine idea if it had been introduced correctly – however it wasn’t! The whole point of privatising public services was to open them up to the commercial market place, to generate competition which will then bring down prices. This never happened on the railways, franchises are generally regional with the winning operator providing most services and thus having a monopoly. Because they’re run by a cartel which conspire to squeeze as much money out as possible, there is no competition. You can cross the Atlantic for the same as a peak time fare to London, its gone beyond obscene these days.

The bigger problem for me is the subsidies the operators receive. In reality the whole rail franchising arrangement is fundamentally flawed and unsustainable. In 2012/13 the train operating companies collectively received £1.3bn in direct subsidies through franchise receipts and a further £3.9bn in indirect subsidy through investment in Network Rail services. In return, train operating companies paid back just £1.2bn in franchise payments to the government, but they took £172m in profits and paid out £204m in dividends to shareholders.  How is this beneficial to us the taxpaying public?

The idea should have been to run the railways and other industries as a public service not as a profit making enterprise. There is no way that a railway for example can be run if there are shareholders and executives making hundreds of thousands in salaries and dividends. A railway simply because of how it works could never ever make a ‘real’ profit. It should have been run with the public service in mind, not as a means of a few people using money from the Government and the public to laugh their way to the banks.

How can we sell off a railway and then the company that runs it gets taxpayers money to fund it? Where’s the sense in that? But we allow it and do nothing , could you see other European countries putting up with that ?

Yes, Investment Is Happening
For many years, investment in such things as electrification almost ceased. So I can’t fault this Government in investing in the railway infrastructure, and yes they are putting billions into it, with schemes like the Northern Hub; large scale expansion of electrification; Crossrail and yes the much derided HS2 (not the right solution that one, see previous blogs on my opposition).

But who’s all this investment going to benefit?  Well if the current arrangements remain in place, financially the private train operating companies are quids in. The passengers pockets won’t benefit, fares will just continue to rise to fill the pockets of the TOC shareholders.

Another thing that has improved is punctuality, but this is another whitewash. It’s only because the timetables are now padded to avoid penalties from the ‘Passenger’s Charter’. The trains themselves take just as long if not longer, and break down just as much, but are not officially late. 

 The Whole Thing Needs Looking At
A sure fire indicator that things aren’t working is when they start going back to what they had. I find it amazing that Network Rail, successor to the disastrous Railtrack, is now officially classified as a ‘government body’ and its debts of £30 billion are part of the national debt. Meanwhile, one of the most successful ‘privatised’ train companies, East Coast, is currently publicly owned, and many of the others are owned by foreign state railways.

Look at the figures referred to above. The train operating companies paid the government £1.2bn in franchise payments whilst making profits of £172m. Well unless my maths are wrong that means they raised c£1.4bn, why shouldn’t this be made by the taxpayers?

The time is right to re-look at the whole operation, this needs to include :
  • Reverting to state ownership by not renewing franchises as they end
  • Investment in rail manufacturing
  • The leasing companies – who should own the rolling stock?
  • Selling off of unused railway land
  • Removal of parking charges at rural and suburban stations which just add to the fares
  • Simplifying the whole tickets and fare structures so that passengers know they’re travelling on the cheapest available ticket for the train they’re on.
  • Significantly reduce prices to those comparable with other European countries. Yes this will cost money, but it is a public service, something we seem to have forgotten.
  • Create better freight flows which will bring in proper revenue, this should be linked to getting freight off the roads. Investment and encouragement would be needed but it would be for the good of everyone. 
  • Scrapping of trains that are over 30years old, my office overlooks the mainlines into Manchester Piccadilly Station and at least 60% of the trains that go past were built in the 70s and 80s and to coin a phrase are knackered’!
The list could go on I’m sure. We have strategic reviews of things like defence every few years, now it’s time for one on the railways. It’s time to learn the lessons of not just the last 20 years but the last 150 years.
I Can Dream
I can dream but I hope that if UKIP were to have a hand in government (part of a coalition maybe?), it will re-nationalise all of our beloved railway and return it to a public service for the good of the UK, instead of a profit-centre for the fat cats it is now. LibLabCon are happy for things to carry on as bad as they are now, and we can't rely on them to improve anything.

I used to love travelling by train but I find the fares today are just extortionate; I won't give the operators the satisfaction of lining their pockets.

So the truth will out. In my humble opinion it was always better for the railways to be nationalised and subsidised. What a pity it took us so many years and so many billions of wasted money to find out what we already knew. Bring back BR. Maybe follow Labour’s lead and call it ‘New-Rail’.

Monday 11 August 2014

A Short Story for Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon

Once upon a time there was a sea turtle and a wolf who became friends. Now you might think that these are two animals who wouldn't have much to do with each other. And you'd be right. One was a plodding, oddly-shaped ocean dweller, while the other was a sleek predator who prowled the forests for unwary deer.

Their friendship began when the wolf was out hunting and saw the turtle sunning himself on the beach. The turtle looked rather unappetizing, so there was never any real thought of eating him. Nonetheless, the wolf was curious about this curious creature and vice versa. The two got to talking and the turtle told the wolf about an island not too far offshore that was filled with delicious animals just waiting to be eaten. Needless to say, the story got the wolf's attention. A deal was quickly struck in which the turtle would ferry the wolf to the island every day in exchange for a portion of whatever the wolf killed.

This arrangement worked out quite well. Many years went by and both animals got fat and happy. But there came a time when the wolf decided he didn't need the turtle anymore and could swim to the island on his own. After all, he'd been watching the turtle make the daily journey for a long time and it certainly didn't look very hard. But it was. Not long after the wolf jumped into the ocean, he was quickly overcome by the relentless waves and fierce undertow. He struggled and howled, but to no avail. The proud wolf sank to the floor of the sea where his body was quickly engulfed by a swarm of bottom-feeding crabs. His last thought was, "I wonder if it's too late to work with the turtle?"

The moral of the story?  Stick with the union or be stuck with bottom-feeding crabs.

Credit to Chuck Lorre for the story

Wednesday 30 July 2014

#UKIP - Too Much Nostalgia, Not Enough Reinvention

Sometimes when you think about our country you have to rise above what the usual commentators present to us. Forget the petty party political point scoring arguments that consistently blight our politics.  You need to just forget politics and the traditional nature of ‘Right v Left’ ideals that we all know and love so much. My reason? Well sometimes there’s a bigger picture to be had.

Two Forces
This bigger picture is something that’s slowly dawned on me recently. What I’ve actually come to believe is that instead of the political parties dictating what we do, there are really two higher forces struggling to dominate this wonderful country of ours. I see these as quite simply ‘Reinvention’ and ‘Nostalgia’.

Reinvention seeks to imagine and work toward a better future by changing the status quo, whilst nostalgia insists that things were better in the past and works to undo change. Both Labour and the Tories are guilty of supporting both whilst being neither at the same time.

Master of Reinvention
It's no secret where my sympathies lie. I've always been a big fan of reinvention. My life and career is a testament to it. There is simply no way that a scared, sickly, simply educated kid from Stockport gets to live the life he's living now without working hard and being willing to scrap old, unworkable ideas and start over (Of course it helped that I didn't have a particularly rosy background to feel nostalgic towards). I was always determined to do better for myself than my parents ever did and I think I’ve succeeded.

UKIP - Nostalgists
Which brings me to the point of this blog. Whilst I agree and support UKIP with everything they’re trying to achieve with regards to the EU they have a part that worries me. It seems there’s an element to their membership which is not about reinvention at all and is purely about nostalgia. This element hates change and seems actively to support regression back to the Seventies and Eighties. It seems based on the wearing of rose-tinted spectacles and selective memory as from what I remember the country wasn’t in too good a nick back then either. It comes from the same people who insist summers were always nicer in their childhood – they weren’t of course, they were similar to now. So it just confuses me why people want seek to return to a life that wasn't really that great to begin with.

I get it if you used to be the ruling class. If your childhood memories include watching your grandparents sipping sherry on the veranda while being serviced by the upstairs maid, then sure, nostalgia makes sense. But, if you're like me and didn't know anyone who had a veranda, let alone a maid, (or even an upstairs for that matter), then why not consider reinvention?

If UKIP (or for the matter the Tories if we get that referendum) are successful in taking us out of Europe then nostalgia will definitely get us nowhere when we have to plough our own furrow in the World again. It was reinvention that built the Empire and our World trade routes and it’ll be an innovative reinventive approach that will bring us success in the future.

Maybe we can make this country a better place to live. But to do that, we need to stop looking back thinking it was better in my day. It's certainly a more exciting way to go. You know, an uncertain future, filled with mystery and adventure. I hope nostalgia doesn’t win the day, and that we don’t attempt to reverse the course of history, this country would never have a hope in Hell of being ‘Great’ Britain ever again.

Move Forward Not Back

What all the political parties need to be doing as we approach next year’s General Election is getting rid of their nostalgia policies (and people). Yes you can learn from history, but that’s it, learn from it, don’t go back to it. Move forward - in new ways. 

Monday 21 July 2014

#MH17. Political Grandstanding Needs To Stop

So the wet limpet that is David Cameron has supposedly warned Vladimir Putin that his billionaire ‘cronies’ will have their assets frozen in London unless he co-operates with the probe into Flight MH17. If you read the Sunday papers, ‘Call Me Dave’ apparently ‘vented his fury’ at what he sees as Russia’s obstruction in a 30-minute phone call to Mr Putin. By all accounts he effectively blamed Russia directly, telling Mr Putin that he had ‘contributed to an appalling tragedy’.

Well I’m sure President Putin won't sleep at night after Dave’s outrage! More likely he’s thinking "Little man from a little country". For goodness sake, save your breath, Cameron! Do you really think for one minute that Putin was listening to a word you said? Admittedly, I’d loved to have heard that telephone conversation, bet all Putin did during the call was utter "Yah! Yah!" in the right places, and burst into gales of laughter afterwards. We know that all the real posturing by world leaders is done for the media. What’s worse though is Cameron’s already decided its Putin’s’ fault and is trying to glean publicity off the back of it. 
So Who’s Really Responsible?
Quite simply, no one knows for certain yet, in actual fact we may never really find out who pulled the trigger, but don’t let that simple fact stop the likes of Cameron and Obama blaming Putin.

We keep getting told by western politicians that it’s all down to the Pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine. That may be true, it also may not - nothing has been proven. Even if they are linked and funded by Russia, it still doesn’t mean Putin is responsible. Don’t forget, there is another theory that somebody on the Ukraine side was trying to hit Putin's plane which was due shortly after the MH17, it also has a similar paint scheme, so that theory has some credibility. And the Ukraine has form too; they’ve also been known to tell lies in order to start a war.

In the bigger picture, ultimate responsibility sits uncomfortably with the EU. If they hadn't vowed to extend the EU eastwards, conflict in the Ukraine would never have escalated to the level it now has. There was no trouble in Ukraine until, quite simply the EU encouraged Ukraine to look to the west. This lead to the overthrow of a democratically elected President and his government, only to be replaced with an unelected, EU stooge. The country became split, the rest is history.

Media is Shaping This Tragedy
This tragedy is now being shaped by the media, but as Peter Hitchens in the Sunday papers observed and I said above, the conflict that has contributed to this, was shaped by the EU and the West. We are back to the Cold War. The West believes its views must be adhered to or else, but it is perfectly happy to meddle in other countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya etc. 

The media likes quick wins and sound bites, they like to act as judge and jury whether there’s evidence or not. This suits our politicians as they too are good at acting without evidence; we all remember the warmonger, Bliar and his made-up WMD document.

So for the media and the west’s own agenda, they’ve already decided it’s the rebels who need to be held to account. As the Australian Prime Minister said, Putin has said all the right things so far, but needs to bring pressure on the separatists to yield to international norms when dealing with airplane crashes.

People's anger is understandable but there is too much emotion in pointing blame and demonising Putin without having the full facts, especially Cameron and Obama, and let’s not forget the American’s themselves have form in things like this too. Wasn’t it the yanks that brought down an Iranian Airbus with similar amounts of people on board in 1988?

In conflict zones tragedies can happen. What we should be asking is what was MH17 and others thinking in overflying this area in the first place?

Transparency from Russia and the Rebels
Where Putin and the rebels are failing is in the PR/media stakes. They’re acting guilty without it having been proven, this is playing directly into the west and the media’s hands. The way the bodies are dealt with; removing evidence from the scene; obstructing investigators; allowing the scene to be ‘contaminated’; the disappearance of the black box recorder etc.

Don't think for a second that Putin could not control those people - even if they were out of control. He is Russia's President with more leverage behind his words’ than any other world leader can dream of, he is ruthless and people know that reputation. If he has lost control over those rebels, believe me he could get it back just like that!

If Putin and the rebels played the media game properly and was completely transparent then sympathies and blame may shift. But then again, maybe they are guilty and are trying to lessen the backlash. Whichever way, it’s not working.

The problem with the Russians is we’re constantly dealing with a regime who care about and value life so little. Remember the shooting down of the Korean Airlines’ 747 by the Russians in the 80’s, they denied responsibility for that for some time afterwards until it was finally proved that it was them. That may ultimately be the case here, but we’re not there yet.

Sanctions and Boycotts
The west are shit scared of Putin and Russia and won’t take him on militarily, which is probably a good thing as none of us know what the outcome of that maybe. So the best they can come up with are sanctions and boycotts.

That is all well and good, but firstly these shouldn’t be applied until any Russian guilt in this tragedy has been proven. If it is proven then we need to do it properly. The west needs to not just talk about it, but do it! Freeze their accounts; confiscate their London properties; impound their yachts when they enter European ports; shut them out of the world economy. The Russians already own half of London so it should be imposed that can never be allowed to buy property in the UK again.

And what about boycotts? If you’re going to boycott something then actually do it. There was a so called world boycott on the Russian Olympic Games many years ago but some countries still turned up. Where is the next World Cup? Oh yeah, Russia!  Doesn’t Russia have some teams in European Cup? These are places where Russia can be isolated now.

The problem is these sanctions and boycotts become ineffectual when countries break promises to apply them if it might affect them.  Angela Merkel has promised tougher sanctions, what? Like she promised not to back Herr Juncker's Presidency? At the end of the day, neither Germany nor France will stop their lucrative trade links with Russia so sanctions are a waste of time. I suppose it would have been a completely different story though if it had been a Lufthansa plane!

Cameron playing the media but doing nothing
The events over the weekend with Cameron playing to the cameras again; demonstrating his outrage on behalf of the victims and laying into Putin already having decided who is responsible. It’s all so predictable and laughable. It was all a media show. Let’s not forget, in this country we are all now too reliable on the Russians for our gas.

I wish we had a politician that was not so self-conscious that he felt the need to demonstrate what he thinks is the politically correct response; such personal weakness last year nearly got us into yet another war in Syria. Remember when Cameron was going to stop it all by himself, well no with British troops actually? Cameron must spend his entire day worrying about how he should be seen to respond on every issue. Politicians like that end up like Nick Clegg, trying - and failing - to be all things to everyone.

I've become totally sick of David Cameron talking but effectively doing nothing.  But given the way Cameron has been behaving over this, if it is proven that it was NOT the so called Russian separatists who were responsible then I think his political career may be over and he will become as popular as Tony Blair. Cameron needs to learn to be a statesman, not a petulant schoolboy.

So let’s stop playing up to the USA who do not depend on Russia for its oil and gas. Cameron should wait until there is more evidence before trying to throw his weight around. Russia can beat us by simply turning the gas valve off and ultimately Obama cannot be trusted.

Political Grandstanding Needs To Stop
This tragedy is one of the saddest things ever. Can you try and imagine, losing a loved one on this plane, going about their lives only to be shot down in an act of unbelievable horror, then being told there personal things are being stolen and not knowing if you will ever get there body back home?

I suspect it was all a big mistake. Putin couldn't possibly have ordered the downing of MH17. Yes, Russia is responsible for Ukraine having horrible weapons, just like the US is responsible for Iraq having horrible weapons. Britain, France, China, etc all sell or supply horrible weapons too! Whoever fired that missile probably thought it was a Ukrainian aircraft. It was a horrible mistake! There a war going on and it was flying through a warzone.

Knowing Putin’s reputation, I do suspect that if it WAS a Pro-Russian Separatist who fired the missile, he is now in an unmarked grave somewhere as he would now be a serious embarrassment to his side.

A problem that needs addressing immediately though, is the flying of commercial aircraft through warzones, and we’re not just talking Ukraine here. This is simple to achieve and is something our politicians should be sprouting on about instead of applying unsubstantiated blame.

Putin wasn’t directly to blame Mr Cameron, he never ordered it! Some idiot did send the plane through an active warzone though, and that wasn’t Putin. Then we have the reason this whole conflict started, that sits right at the feet of an expansionist EU that our politicians love but the public hates!

At the moment though, all this political grandstanding on the bodies of the dead by Cameron and Obama quite simply disgusts me!

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Equality and Diversity; Can We Really Have Our Cake & Eat It?

I was struck this week by yet another ‘equality’ story which pitted gay rights against religious beliefs. We saw the case a few years ago of the bed and breakfast that refused a gay couple a room because it was against their Christian values, in that case the Christians lost. This week’s case has similar overtones, though I think there’s an element of entrapment going on here.

The story this week involved a Christian family business in Northern Ireland being threatened with legal action for refusing to bake a cake in support of gay rights. Ashers Bakery (incidentally, they’re named after a verse in the Bible) turned down an order for a cake featuring Sesame Street puppets Bert and Ernie and the slogan ‘Support gay marriage’. They’ve now been threatened with legal action after the gay rights activist who placed the order complained that equality laws had been breached.

The bakery owner is quoted as saying “I would like the outcome of this to be that any Christians running a business could be allowed to follow their Christian beliefs and principles in the day-to-day running of the business and that they are allowed to make decisions based on that”. - Sounds a reasonable view to me.

It’s interesting that the cake was to have the slogan ‘Support gay marriage’ on it. Interesting in the fact that Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK where it has not been made legal. It was also to have the logo of the activist’ campaign group, QueerSpace. After the bakery rejected the order and offered a refund, the activists complained to the Equality Commission of Northern Ireland, which has written to Ashers warning of legal for breaching the law by discriminating against the customer on the grounds of his sexual orientation.

Equality v Diversity
As I have written previously, I’m an atheist so have no cut either way regarding religions, what is interesting though is the fact that in this case they’re pitting equality against diversity. The lefty’s heads must be in a spin over this one. Who’s right? Who’s wrong?

In the last few decades, we in this Christian country have been forced to respect others, particularly gay and Muslims. But this case seems to prove that while we respect them, they don’t respect the views of others. There are many bakers in Northern Ireland, why go to this one? If you were tolerant you’d find another baker, why make it a thing?

While I support gay marriage, each to their own I say, at the moment not everyone has that view. It seems the activists have deliberately targeted this business which is silly. It's like me asking a Jewish or Muslim bakery to bake an "Eat More Pork" cake. They wouldn't want to. I wouldn't be offended, but then again I wouldn't ask them in the first place.

I would like to see these activists go into a Muslim cake shop with the same cake order; they’re obviously not brave enough to try this blackmail and coercion on them. They knew the owner was going to say no and break the law, so is that not entrapment?

Conversely, if I walked into a halal butchers and asked for meat slaughtered according to my religious beliefs, would I get it? I doubt it somewhat. You cannot do for one what you will not do for another.

If you're going to let other religions follow their beliefs in their work life i.e. Islam then you have to do the same for all. Unfortunately white Christians are an easy target when you live in a lefty society.

It seems, as we’ve seen many times before with the left, that activists use threats to force people to agree with their position. I'm sure the fact they are actually demonstrating dogmatic intolerance is lost on them.


Personally like I’ve said, my opinion is to live and let live. I support everyone’s right to choose and that has to include this bakery. Surely serving a customer should be at the discretion of the business owner? If you run a business you should have an absolute right to decline any order you don’t want to service.  If you choose, you should be able to run your business in line with your religious beliefs.
We may not believe in the same ethical principles whether they be religious or sexual preference as one another, it’s still important to respect people’s right to hold their opinion or beliefs.

Many many people in this land have fought, suffered and died fighting for our right to live in a democratic society. Today we generally live in times where we can express our religious, political and ethical opinions freely; it’s called freedom of speech! To take that right away from just one person makes us just as bad as the dictators and fascists our predecessors fought against over all those years.

Freedom of conscience must take precedence over state legislated "equality" provisions. The state should not be forcing people to do something that in their conscience they morally oppose. And at the end of the day is gay marriage really anti-Christian? Shouldn't we all 'love our neighbours' no matter what?

Friday 4 July 2014

Border Control - It’s Not Racism, It’s Simple Maths !

Firstly apologies for no blog posts recently, I’ve just changed jobs so the blog hasn’t been my number one priority, anyway back on track now with a subject I’m surprised I’ve never tackled before, immigration control !

It’s All About the Numbers
For me, immigration is quite simply about the numbers. This is the basic, simple, fundamental point that our politicians seem to continually fail to grasp. I suspect the vast majority of the British people aren’t currently overly worried about EU citizens coming to the UK and sponging off our welfare state though this liberal view is changing by the day as we see a general unwillingness of politicians to value the indigenous population of the UK.
I think, in general we understand that most immigrants work very hard. We see it every day of our lives and we appreciate their contribution to a successful economy in the UK.

We’re only Small
The concerns that many of us have, is about the size of the country in proportion to our continually growing population. We’re concerned how our little, overcrowded country can possibly sustain, literally limitless numbers of people coming in from the rest of the European Union. How can that growth be open-ended? How can it just go on forever?

It’s about our infrastructure which isn’t designed for a population of the current proportions let alone a growing one. It’s about places in schools; it’s about houses and flats; it’s about our overcrowded roads and transport infrastructure. It’s about the NHS, about hospital beds, A&E waiting times and how long we have to wait to see our GP.

Quite simply it’s all about the numbers!

Government Doesn’t Get It
The Government has been boasting that it has got non-EU immigration down. Well done, it’s a start. But why is that really something to be proud of? All it means is that it is far harder to work in the UK, and thats for the doctor from India, the teacher from New Zealand or the engineer from Canada. These are the people we should be welcoming with open arms.

The bigger problem is the numbers coming from the EU, in particular the Eastern Europeans, the benefit tourists, the ones that come here to use our free NHS and contribute nothing. At the end of the day though, benefit tourism isn’t the main issue and it never will be. Uncontrolled, infinite, limitless immigration is the real problem. The simple fact that anyone with an EU passport can come to the UK is the problem.

Recently the Prime Minister spelled it out to us in the clearest possible terms that as part of the UK’s ‘renegotiation’ with the EU he’s planning, he won’t even be attempting to negotiate controlling EU immigration. His actual words were “It is right that people should be able to move across Europe to work”. So he can’t make his position any clearer. Call Me Dave needs to wake up and smell the coffee, this one issue could easily lose him next year’s General Election.

So What Do We Do?
What can we do really? If immigration continues at the current level we could massively increase our infrastructure maybe? Nope, that one’s dead in the water, we haven’t got the space and can’t afford it anyway.

Personally I think we need to go back to basics, back to the simple things. Like getting an understanding as a nation of what we want from immigration. For that we first need to separate immigration and asylum seekers (which are another issue entirely). Immigration should be about what newcomers can do for us, not simply what we can do for them, the unaffordability of our welfare state, the NHS and our job market dictates this. As a model, the Australian one works for me.

This doesn’t sort the bigger issue of EU migrants and I’m sorry, but the only ways that one will be solved would be to blatantly disobey the EU rules and say “No, UK not EU rules take precedent”, this would be a legal minefield. In the interim though we should put some limits on our services in place, examples being you can only claim benefits after you have been a UK taxpayer for say two years, similarly, you can only utilise the NHS for free when you’ve paid National Insurance contributions for over a year. These are measures that show the immigrant is committed to living in and supporting the UK. These are simple things that I think most people would support.

Alternatively we simply leave the EU, Government’s willingness to avoid the issue means this is actually looking like the main option, especially after the results of recent EU and local elections where UKIP took significant votes from all the main parties showing the strength of feeling the people of this country have over the issue.

One thing I could guarantee, is that an in/out referendum on EU membership before the General Election would remove UKIP from the election frame; it would probably get David Cameron re-elected and it might actually sort the issue once and for all, as I suspect the result would be ‘OUT’.      

Sunday 15 June 2014

Iraq - Blair's Toxic Legacy Continues

Tony, Tony, Tony, what are you doing ?
You just can’t leave it alone can you? Yes, some were gullible to believe your lies first time round, but now you're making a fool of yourself. I do find it incredible that Tony Blair has the gall to comment on the current situation in Iraq, calling for more Western military intervention. If he had any shame in him, he'd remain silent.

Why on earth Blair hasn't been charged with war crimes I'll never know. Drive at 35 mph in a 30 mph zone and the law is all over you like a rash. Ditto if you watch TV without a license. However, plunge Iraq into a pointless, unnecessary and illegal conflict which results in hundreds of thousands of deaths - with more deaths happening daily as a side-effect and the British judicial system simply doesn't want to know. Astonishing or what?

I truly say don't believe a word of what this lying, deceitful, shameless reptile has to say. I saw him on the Marr Show on BBC1 this morning. Interesting only the BBC gives him any airtime and continually drool on his every word. I assume he probably sees another nice little earner out of this. I am also appalled that Cameron dances to his tune regarding the Chilcott enquiry, but there again, Cameron adores the man.

I’d also like to know what exactly has Blair been doing in his role as Mr Middle-Eastern Peace Envoy? He doesn't appear to have managed to fit in any of that boring old Peace Envoy stuff in between giving speeches, increasing his property portfolio and keeping the missus in the manner to which she has become accustomed. I do wonder is there no end to his shame and meddling. He along with Bush started it all and now he's blaming today's leaders for not doing the same!
Blair, you are meant to be the ‘Middle East Peace Envoy,’ -  get out there and sort it out, assuming you're man enough?

The Last time We Listened
We must never forget that 179 British service personnel and 4,486 U.S. service members were killed in Iraq between 2003 and 2012. There were also over 100,000 Iraqi deaths. These figures are stark and seeing today’s news really makes you think, was any of it worth it? Yes, Saddam was a bad man but he kept things in check, in fact many of the leaders of the region can be regarded as tyrants and remove one or other and no surprises what will follow. Blair & Bush were not listening to any advice back in 2003 as they knew what was best for both themselves and for others.

Our intervention in 2003 did not really improve the situation for anyone, on either side. We lost many troops and suffered the 2005 London bombings. Since then we’ve had hate preachers, radicalism and more killings on our streets. Why should we risk more lives again? We have to let these countries sort things out for themselves. We cannot look after the entire world!

Iraq was always going to bite us in the backside and I guess it will come home to the UK sooner than we all think, but Blair needs to be accountable for this mess. He should be put in front of the War Crimes Court in The Hague, let them decide.  I suspect though, he will just continue to get away with it all. It's really disturbing that a politician in the UK of his rank can go on spouting his hypocrisy. And he still doesn't understand does he? It was his insane decision to support Bush's lunacy that caused this problem in the first place. Any further intervention would be akin to pouring water over fiery oil. It's time Blair was silenced as the media are manifestly guilty of giving him column inches and air time. Maybe he should be treated like Sinn Fein were during the 80s and censured.

The billions we’ve spent on these futile wars should have been spent securing our own borders.  It would have created jobs and given us security, but Blair doesn't believe in national borders, only the free movement of people who can carry out crimes on our soil and then claim "human rights" thus rubbing our noses in it, as that was an Act created by Blair as a present to Cherie.

What Military Anyway?
I find it unbelievable that Blair is again trying to drum up military action and more wars as he believes this is the solution. That's rich coming from someone who lit the original Middle East fuse and then stood back and watched the fireworks! So its not as if there isn't blood on his hands already, let’s go get some more of our boys killed. Well no Tony we won't. We didn’t go into Syria because the people spoke. Parliament got the message from us, we’ve had enough! We don’t want to see any more of our brave armed forces killed fighting another man’s war!

And just what are we going to fight it with anyway? Our Army is reduced to little more than a home defence force with just 80,000 men. It is so demoralised as a result of successive governments slashing their budgets, that we cannot even fill these depleted ranks. We now have just 60 or so active Challenger tanks to take to a war zone where, as demonstrated in Iraq, the tank is still king.
The Royal Air Force has scrapped all its tactical aircraft with the Harriers given away and Jaguars, Buccaneers and most of the Tornadoes scrapped without replacement. The Nimrods all went too, so we have little ISTARS/Intelligence or maritime capability. Thankfully, we will not have to use the Royal Navy, that’s been stripped right down on a similar scale.

Oh and out of interest just how long has Blair or a member of his family spent in the military? Zilch I think. So he’s still that same politician that wants to have the power to send other parents or sons and daughters to fight, then visit them for a photo shot wearing as much personal armour as they can get on - once it is safe there of course !

So Tony! Why don’t you lead the battle on your white charger and see how many follow you? Get your sons to enlist and go over there and we might accept your views more readily but stop trying to send other people’s children to their inevitable death. But there again, it's easy to be brave with someone else's life isn’t it?

Admit It, You Got It Wrong Tony
It is quite clear to me, the only reason Blair wants another war to happen is so he can justify his original actions. He doesn't have a clue. I wonder just what it will take to convince him that he screwed up big time? - And he still thinks people will listen to him! I suppose that by doing the opposite of what Blair advocates we will know we are doing the right thing. But by denying responsibility for what has happened he shows just how arrogant and out of touch he really is. At least George W Bush has had the decency to retire from politics. Blair has no morals, no shame and has done more to destabilise the world than anyone in the last 30 years!

His little essay in the Express does seem to be saying  ‘Do as I did.’ What else would this egocentric say? Anything otherwise would be to admit that he got it wrong. At the time, desperate for a war of his own, he ignored all pleas to prove his cause, lied his way into war, now we are suffering, whilst he roams the world gathering fortunes. The sometimes Peace envoy occupies the most expensive suite to house his entourage, costing millions to the taxpayer. He said on Marr this morning “Please understand they do things differently” but now wants the situation handled his same way.

But there again, why should you worry Tony? We pay for your protection, 24 hours a day, everyday and what a waste of money that is! It’s not a small amount either. The UK taxpayer currently has to fork out (at the last estimate) over 6 million pounds a year, and that will continue till your death - however long that takes.

Listen to the people This Time
So Tony, I say again, have you not learned anything? WE DON’T WANT ANOTHER WAR! We should never have got involved in the original one in the first place. You intervened last time going against the people of your country. Nothing has changed at all in Iraq and won't. Even if the war was justified you failed to change anything. It's as unstable now as it was before. So you have increased the risk of our country for nothing. So please, do us all a favour and shut the f**k up.

Little did we know that the Weapon of Mass Destruction was actually Blair himself, destroying both Iraq and Afghanistan. How this despicable character can expect anyone to now listen to anything he advises is beyond me. His ego seems to know no bounds in spite of having got things so spectacularly wrong. In many ways he has now become a "hate and war preacher" himself! He is drugged up with a cocktail of his own self-importance and arrogance on such an industrial scale it has become obscene. It does seem he embarrasses Britain every time he opens his mouth. 

And I still want to know when will he finally be brought in front of the war tribunal in The Hague? Lets hope history remembers him for what he really was.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Maddie – What Makes Her Case So Different?

This week, British police hunting for Madeleine McCann started searching Praia da Luz's sewer network and it emerged they need at least another week to scour land 300 metres from where she vanished. It’s been reported that Scotland Yard detectives working in the Algarve resort have pulled up manhole covers and are analysing the network of pipes below using micro cameras and fibre-optic cables.

Police have yet to say whether they have found anything significant, but Madeleine's parents - Kate and Gerry McCann - have said they were 'encouraged by the progress' of the search.
I have a few observations about this exercise, and many questions.

How Much Has Been Spent?
As much as I’ve tried, I’ve struggled to find the total amount paid out of the public purse for the search of Maddie. It does however appear to be significantly more than £5.0 Million.

Maddie went missing in 2007; I can’t find any figures for how much was spent in the first four years she was missing. A couple of figures I have found are in 2011/12 the cost, which was met by the Home Office, was £1,929,354. In addition, the figure for 2012/13 was £1,869,933. Based on these costs, those incurred in the first four years and those incurred over the past few months, the total bill must now be well in excess of £5.0million.

Why not the Portuguese Police?
Why are the Metropolitan Police investigating a missing person in Portugal without the support of the Portuguese Police who will not have a joint investigation? I suspect nothing will be found here, so it's just going through the motions and taking resources away from policing in the UK. Are we going to send detectives all over the world to search for the other missing British nationals? I doubt it! Yes, it's very sad for the family but it should be handled by the Portuguese Police. As an aside I do find it weird how our Home Secretary, Theresa May hates the Police yet funds this junket in a hope it will garner public support for her.

So the question needs to be simply, why aren't the Portuguese police doing this? Are they unwilling or just incompetent? There again to-date the Portuguese Police have proven themselves absolutely useless - there should have been a thorough investigation from the start, as would have been the case had a Portuguese (or other nationality) child gone missing here in the UK. So why didn't they do these searches seven years ago?

My heart goes out to the McCann’s but if this search is unsuccessful which I suspect it will be, given the costs involved I believe the public have the right to know what evidence the police had which they felt justified this operation.

What About The Others?
I have been following this story since the very first day. This beautiful, innocent little girl. My heart went out to her. I can just imagine how scary it must have been for her. I know it’s sad that a little girl has gone missing. But how much has this cost us over the years? Why have they favourited this child over others who are missing and other children who are ill? There are hundreds of sick children at home, who are they not getting the treatment they need because of costing's and yet they have spent millions searching for a girl who will probably never be found?

Talking to people I find it’s not just me, many people are wondering why the McCann's should get so much attention and funding when there are plenty of other small children who go missing and nothing ever happens on a scale like this! Thousands of children have gone missing since Maddie and Thousands before, so could anyone explain why Maddie is worth so much more than all the others?
As a parent, I fully agree that you would never give up, but there comes a time where you must question why the money being used to find her isn't being split to aid finding all missing children? Why only one child? Why not all of them?

Over 100.000 children a year go missing in the UK; surely these missing children deserve to have all these resources on their cases? None of them however seem to afford such high priority searches. Something is very wrong here. The mind well and truly boggles why. It would be nice to hear of some of these other missing cases now. If only every newspaper and media outlet took as much interest in the hundreds of missing children that are spirited away each year in this country.

Enough is enough for me! Tragic as it is there is little more that can realistically be done in the Maddie case. There are other missing children out there who need to be found. As I say, I do not understand why one family has received so much support from the UK police force over such a long period of time. I'm sorry but it really is time to stop.

“Suppose You Would Think Differently If It Was One Of Your Own?”
“I Suppose You Would Think Differently If It Was One of Your Own” is the response I’ve had from a number of people who have questioned my attitude. Stop there please; I am fed up reading these hypothetical comments. I would never have put my family in that situation in the first place. So parents who have not, and would not leave their young children alone at any time are completely entitled to pass judgement on the McCann's as they see fit.

If this child had been mine I would not have abandoned it in a strange apartment, in a strange country, while I went out scoffing and boozing. If it was my child (children, actually let's not forget the toddler siblings) I would not leave them alone and go out, neither would any responsible parent!
The McCann’s are not poor people which is why I cannot get over how any family which can afford to take three very young children away on holiday to Portugal couldn’t afford a babysitter for a few hours. Young kids do wake up, especially in strange surroundings.

I honestly don't know one parent that would leave their children including babies in an apartment ALONE so they could go out and eat and drink. So whilst I have a massive amount of concern for Maddie, I have little sympathy for the parents.

So Many Questions. Only One Answer?
What makes Maddie so special? Is she from the Royal Family (not that that should make a difference)? She always seems very important, but unfortunately she’s not alone, children go missing every minute, every day, no one really seems to give a toss. An aeroplane goes missing, after a month no one seems to talk about that anymore, that had children on board didn’t it?

Regrettably we are in the EU with an EU arrest warrant and Interpol, so if a little girl disappears in Portugal why is it still left to the Met and British tax payer seven years later to conduct a proper search? Makes you wonder why we want to be part of Europe doesn't it?

This entire fiasco seems to be a project into wasting as much money as possible and taking the longest time possible. As I’ve already said this is a ridiculous waste of money that the Police could be putting to better use with the many other missing child cases in this country. There again at least these police officers are doing a thorough job; sun, sea, sand and limitless overtime and expenses, what more could we and they ask for really?

I do hope they find her so that we can stop hearing about the case. But while I feel for Maddie, there are so many other missing children who don't get any publicity or indeed police action. All loved missing children deserve the same amount of time and effort in finding them. I really hope Madeline McCann is found alive one day.

And the one answer I have - Maybe don't leave your children alone in the first place. They are the most precious things you will ever have. No matter what has happened or what happens now, if the McCann’s hadn't left Maddie on her own none of this would be happening at all!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

North West Farmers' Markets - Where and When

A different post this week, this one should probably go under the banner of ‘FYI’

Following last week’s blog, which touched on shopping at Farmers’ Markets, a number of people have said to me that it’s all well and good suggesting they should shop there but they never know where or when they are on.

Well nobody can say I don’t take these things on board. So having done some painstaking internet research, below are all of (I think) the Farmers’ Markets in the counties that surround Warrington. So now nobody’s got the excuse that they don’t know where or when these things happen.

I’m not bothered about my copyright on this one, so feel free to print it off and stick it on your fridge or cut and paste the relevant area for you. 

So here goes, info is on a county by county basis :


Every 2nd Sunday of the month. 9am to 1pm

Alderley Edge Farmers’ Market
Wilmslow Road,
Alderley Edge,

Every 3rd Saturday of the month. 9:30am to 1pm

Alsager Farmer’s Market
Lawton Rd

Every 3rd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 4pm

Chester Farmers Market
Chester Town Hall Square

Every 2nd Saturday of the month, from 9.30am to 1.30pm

Christleton Country Farmers Market
The Ring O Bells,
Village Road,

GAWSWORTH                                       Every 3rd Saturday of the month, from 8.30am to 1.30pm
Clover Bank Organic Farm Farmers Market
Clover Bank Organic Farm,
Shellow Lane,
CW12 2NX

Every 3rd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 3pm

Bents Garden Centre Ltd
Warrington Rd

Every last Saturday of the month

The Crown,

HIGH LEGH                                            
Every 1st Sunday of the month, from 10am to 2pm.

Abbey Leys Farm
Peacock lane
High Legh Nr.Knutsford
WA16 6NS

Every 1st Sunday of the month, from 11am to 4pm

Knutsford Artisan Market
Princess St
WA16 6BU

Every last Saturday of the month, from 10am to 4pm

Middlewich Artisan Market
Wheelock Street,
CW10 9AB

Every 4th Sunday of the month. from 10am - 2pm

Mobberley Farmers Market
Mobberely Victory Hall
WA16 7JQ

Every last Saturday of the month, from 9am to 3pm.

Nantwich Farmer’s Market
Nantwich Town Square

Every 2nd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 3pm.

Northwich Artisan Market
High St

Every 1st Sunday of the month, from 9am to 2pm

The Farmers Arms,
SK12 1RE

RODE HALL                                            
Every last Saturday of the month, from 9am to 1.30pm.

Rode Hall Farmer’s Market
Scholar Green

STOCKTON HEATH                               
Every last Sunday of the month, from 10am to 2pm

Outside the Mulberry Tree Pub,
Stockton Heath,

WEST KIRKBY                                        
Every 4th Saturday of the month, from 9am to 1.30pm.

West Kirby Farmers' Market
St Andrew's Church Hall
Graham Road
West Kirby,
CH48 5DE


Every 2nd Sunday of the month, from 10am to 5pm.

Altrincham Farmers, Producers and Makers Market
The Market Hall
Greenwood Street
WA14 1SA

Every last Sunday of the month, from 9am to 3pm

Ashton Farmers' and Producers' Market
Ashton Market Grounds
Bow Street
Ashton under Lyne

Every 4th Sunday of the month, from 10am - 2pm

Queens Park,
Park Road,

Every first Sunday of the month, from 10am to 4pm.

Castlefield Artisan Market
M3 4NF

CHEADLE HULME                                 
Every 4th Saturday of the month, from 10am to 2pm.

Cheadle Hulme Farmers Market
The Kenilworth,
Cheadle Road,
Cheadle Hulme,


Chorlton Street Market                      
Every 3rd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 4pm

Manchester Road
M21 9PN

Chorlton Farmers Market and Craft Fair          
Every last Saturday of the month, from 11am to 4pm

Horse & Jockey Pub,
9 The Green
M21 9HS

Every 3rd Saturday of the month, from 9.30am to 2pm

Eccles Farmers Market
The Mall
Eccles Shopping Centre
M30 0EB

Every 4th Saturday of the month, from 10am to 2pm

Gatley Farmers Market

HEALD GREEN                                       
Held at intervals throughout the year from 10am to 3pm

Heald Green Farmers Market
Nixons Farm,
Bolshaw Road,

HEATON MOOR                                    
Every 1st Sunday of the month, from 11am to 3pm.

Heaton Moor Producer’s Market
Shaw Road
Heaton Moor

Every 4th Saturday of the month, from 10am to 4pm

Levenshulme Market
Levenshulme Station Car Park
M19 3BF

Every 1st Sunday of the month, from 10am to 3pm

Littleborough Farmers Market
33 Market Place,
Peel Street,
OL15 8AQ


Piccadilly Street Food Market           
Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 11am to 5.30pm

Piccadilly Gardens

Urban Market Bite                              
Every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month, from 11am to 5pm

Old Granada Studios
Quay Street
M60 9EA

Every 4th Sunday of the month, from 10am to 2pm

Marple Farmer’s Market
Wyevale Garden Centre
Dooley Lane

Every 1st Saturday of the month, from 9am to 4pm.

Palatine Road
M22 4DH

Every 2nd Sunday of the month, 9.30am to 2.30pm

Ramsbottom Artisan Market
Market Place,

Every 1st Sunday of the month, from 11am to 2pm.

Royton Real Food Market
Royton Market Place
Market Street

Every 2nd Sunday of the month, 9.30am to 2.30pm

Stalybridge Farmers' Market
Armentieres Square,
SK15 2BR

Every 3rd Sunday of the month, from 11am to 3pm

Stockport Farmers Market
Market Place

Every 1st Sunday of the month, from 10am to 2pm

Timperley Farmers Market
World of Pets and Leisure,
Thorley Lane,
WA15 7PJ

Every 2nd Sunday of the month, from 9am to 2pm

Saddleworth Farmers Market
Saddleworth Museum,
High Street,

Every 1st Saturday of the month, from 10am to 4pm

Westhoughton Farmers' Market
Market Hall,

Every 3rd Sunday of the month, from 9am to 1pm

Woodford Farmers' Market
Woodford Community Centre
Chester Road


APPLEY BRIDGE                                    
Every 3rd Saturday of the month, from 10am to 1pm

Community Centre,
Appley Lane North,
Appley Bridge

Ashton on Ribble                            
Every 3rd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 1pm

St Michael's Church Hall,
Tulketh Road,
Ashton on Ribble 

Every 2nd Sunday of the month, from 10am to 2pm (not Jan/Feb). 

Pendle Heritage Centre
Park Hill

Every Wednesday from 9.30am to 2.30pm

Carnforth Charter Market
Market Street

Every 2nd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 4pm

Chorley Food and Craft Market
Fazakerley Street

Every 1st Sunday of the month, from 10am to 4pm

Browsholme Tithe Barn
Browsholme Hall,

Every 3rd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 2pm.

Market Street,

Cuerden Valley                                
Every 4th Sunday of the month, from 10am to 2pm

Cuerden Valley Farmers' Market
Cuerden Valley Park
Bamber Bridge,

Every 1st Saturday of the month, from 10am to 4pm

The Wellbeing Farm
Plantation Road,

Every 4th Saturday of the month, from 9am to 1pm

Elswick Farmer’s Market
Elswick Village Hall
Roseacre Road,

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Great Eccleston                               
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, from 9am to 1pm

Great Eccleston Farmer’s Market
Market Square
Great Eccleston,

Great Harwood                               
Every 1st  Sunday of the month, from 8am to 2pm

Market Square
Great Harwood

Every 3rd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 1pm

Grimsargh Village Hall,
Preston Road,

Every 1st Sunday of the month, from 9am to 2pm

Helmshore Textile Museum,

Hoghton                                             Every 3rd Sunday of the month, from 10am to 2pm
Merchants of Hoghton Farmer’s Market
Hoghton Tower

Every 2nd Saturday of the month, from 10am to 2.30pm

Mere Brow & Holmeswood Farmers’ Market
Homestead Farm Shop,
Wiggins Lane,
L40 1UJ

Every 1st Saturday of the month, from 9am to 3pm.

Kirkham Lancashire Market
Market Square,


Lancaster Charter Market                 
Every Wednesday & Saturday, from 9am to 4.30pm

Market Street

Victoria Institute,                                
Every 1st Saturday of the month, from 10am to 1pm


Every 1st Saturday of the month, from 10am to 1pm

Back Lane,
L40 3SY

Every 1st Saturday of the month, from 9am to 1pm. 

St Mary's Church Hall
Cop Lane,

Poulton le Fylde                             
Every 4th Saturday of the month, from 9am to 1pm.

St Chads Church Hall,
Vicarage Road,

St Annes                                              
Every 1st Thursday of the Month, from 9am to 1pm

St Annes Farmers Market
The Square
St Annes Road West
Lytham St Annes

Thornton Cleveleys                       
Every 2nd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 1pm

Marsh Mill Village
Thornton Cleveleys,

Every 3rd Sunday of the month, from 10am to 2pm 

Whalley Farmer’s and Artisan Market
Whalley Arms Car Park
60 King Street


Every 4th Saturday of the month, from 9am to 2pm

The Lark Lane Farmers' Market
Lark lane
L17 9PF

Every 1st Saturday of the Month, from 9am to 2pm

High Street
L34 6HG

Every 2nd Sunday in the month, from 10am to 4pm

Craft & Farmer's Market
Inglenook Farm
Moss Nook Lane
Rainford Bypass (A570)
WA11 8AE

St. Helens                                            
Every 3rd Saturday of the month, 10am to 4pm

Fir Tree Farm,
Pimbo Road,
Kings Moss,
St. Helens,
WA11 8RG

West Derby                                         
Every 1st Saturday of the Month, from 9am to 2pm

West Derby Farmers Market
Sefton Arms Pub Car Park
1 Mill Lane
L12 7HX

Every 2nd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 1pm.

Wirral Farmers' Market
New Ferry Village Hall
Grove Street
New Ferry,
CH62 5BA

Every 2nd Saturday of the month, from 9am to 2pm.

Woolton Farmers' Market
Allerton Road
L25 7RE

Please note, it is advisable to check dates before visiting in case of changes.