Tony, Tony,
Tony, what are you doing ?
You just can’t leave it alone can you? Yes, some
were gullible to believe your lies first time round, but now you're making a
fool of yourself. I do find it incredible that Tony Blair has the gall to
comment on the current situation in Iraq, calling for more Western military
intervention. If he had any shame in him, he'd remain silent.
Why on earth Blair hasn't been charged with war
crimes I'll never know. Drive at 35 mph in a 30 mph zone and the law is all
over you like a rash. Ditto if you watch TV without a license. However, plunge
Iraq into a pointless, unnecessary and illegal conflict which results in hundreds
of thousands of deaths - with more deaths happening daily as a side-effect and
the British judicial system simply doesn't want to know. Astonishing or what?
I truly say don't believe a word of what this
lying, deceitful, shameless reptile has to say. I saw him on the Marr Show on BBC1
this morning. Interesting only the BBC gives him any airtime and continually drool
on his every word. I assume he probably sees another nice little earner out of this. I am also appalled that Cameron dances
to his tune regarding the Chilcott enquiry, but there again, Cameron adores the
I’d also like to know what exactly has Blair been
doing in his role as Mr Middle-Eastern
Peace Envoy? He doesn't appear to have managed to fit in any of that boring
old Peace Envoy stuff in between giving speeches, increasing his property
portfolio and keeping the missus in the manner to which she has become
accustomed. I do wonder is there no end to his shame and meddling. He along
with Bush started it all and now he's blaming today's leaders for not doing the
Blair, you are meant to be the ‘Middle East Peace Envoy,’
- get out there and sort it out,
assuming you're man enough?
The Last
time We Listened
We must never forget that 179 British service
personnel and 4,486 U.S. service members were killed in Iraq between 2003 and 2012.
There were also over 100,000 Iraqi deaths. These figures are stark and seeing
today’s news really makes you think, was any of it worth it? Yes, Saddam was a
bad man but he kept things in check, in fact many of the leaders of the region
can be regarded as tyrants and remove one or other and no surprises what will
follow. Blair & Bush were not listening to any advice back in 2003 as they
knew what was best for both themselves and for others.
Our intervention in 2003 did not really improve the
situation for anyone, on either side. We lost many troops and suffered the 2005
London bombings. Since then we’ve had hate preachers, radicalism and more
killings on our streets. Why should we risk more lives again? We have to let
these countries sort things out for themselves. We cannot look after the entire
Iraq was always going to bite us in the backside
and I guess it will come home to the UK sooner than we all think, but Blair
needs to be accountable for this mess. He should be put in front of the War Crimes
Court in The Hague, let them decide. I
suspect though, he will just continue to get away with it all. It's really
disturbing that a politician in the UK of his rank can go on spouting his
hypocrisy. And he still doesn't understand does he? It was his insane decision
to support Bush's lunacy that caused this problem in the first place. Any
further intervention would be akin to pouring water over fiery oil. It's time Blair
was silenced as the media are manifestly guilty of giving him column inches and
air time. Maybe he should be treated like Sinn Fein were during the 80s and
The billions we’ve spent on these futile wars
should have been spent securing our own borders. It would have created jobs and given us
security, but Blair doesn't believe in national borders, only the free movement
of people who can carry out crimes on our soil and then claim "human rights"
thus rubbing our noses in it, as that was an Act created by Blair as a present
to Cherie.
Military Anyway?
I find it unbelievable that Blair is again trying
to drum up military action and more wars as he believes this is the solution. That's
rich coming from someone who lit the original Middle East fuse and then stood
back and watched the fireworks! So its not as if there isn't blood on his hands
already, let’s go get some more of our boys killed. Well no Tony we won't. We
didn’t go into Syria because the people spoke. Parliament got the message from us,
we’ve had enough! We don’t want to see any more of our brave armed forces
killed fighting another man’s war!
And just what are we going to fight it with anyway?
Our Army is reduced to little more than a home defence force with just 80,000
men. It is so demoralised as a result of successive governments slashing their
budgets, that we cannot even fill these depleted ranks. We now have just 60 or
so active Challenger tanks to take to a war zone where, as demonstrated in
Iraq, the tank is still king.
The Royal Air Force has scrapped all its tactical
aircraft with the Harriers given away and Jaguars, Buccaneers and most of the
Tornadoes scrapped without replacement. The Nimrods all went too, so we have
little ISTARS/Intelligence or maritime capability. Thankfully, we will not have
to use the Royal Navy, that’s been stripped right down on a similar scale.
Oh and out of interest just how long has Blair or a
member of his family spent in the military? Zilch I think. So he’s still that
same politician that wants to have the power to send other parents or sons and
daughters to fight, then visit them for a photo shot wearing as much personal
armour as they can get on - once it is safe there of course !
So Tony! Why don’t you lead the battle on your
white charger and see how many follow you? Get your sons to enlist and go over
there and we might accept your views more readily but stop trying to send other
people’s children to their inevitable death. But there again, it's easy to be
brave with someone else's life isn’t it?
Admit It,
You Got It Wrong Tony
It is quite clear to me, the only reason Blair
wants another war to happen is so he can justify his original actions. He
doesn't have a clue. I wonder just what it will take to convince him that he
screwed up big time? - And he still thinks people will listen to him! I suppose
that by doing the opposite of what Blair advocates we will know we are doing
the right thing. But by denying responsibility for what has happened he shows
just how arrogant and out of touch he really is. At least George W Bush has had
the decency to retire from politics. Blair has no morals, no shame and has done
more to destabilise the world than anyone in the last 30 years!
His little essay in the Express does seem to be
saying ‘Do as I did.’ What else would
this egocentric say? Anything otherwise would be to admit that he got it wrong.
At the time, desperate for a war of his own, he ignored all pleas to prove his
cause, lied his way into war, now we are suffering, whilst he roams the world
gathering fortunes. The sometimes Peace envoy occupies the most expensive suite
to house his entourage, costing millions to the taxpayer. He said on Marr this
morning “Please understand they do things differently” but now wants the
situation handled his same way.
But there again, why should you worry Tony? We pay
for your protection, 24 hours a day, everyday and what a waste of money that is!
It’s not a small amount either. The UK taxpayer currently has to fork out (at
the last estimate) over 6 million pounds a year, and that will continue till your
death - however long that takes.
Listen to
the people This Time
So Tony, I say again, have you not learned
anything? WE DON’T WANT ANOTHER WAR! We should never have got involved in the original
one in the first place. You intervened last time going against the people of
your country. Nothing has changed at all in Iraq and won't. Even if the war was
justified you failed to change anything. It's as unstable now as it was before.
So you have increased the risk of our country for nothing. So please, do us all
a favour and shut the f**k up.
Little did we know that the Weapon of Mass
Destruction was actually Blair himself, destroying both Iraq and Afghanistan. How
this despicable character can expect anyone to now listen to anything he
advises is beyond me. His ego seems to know no bounds in spite of having got
things so spectacularly wrong. In many ways he has now become a "hate and
war preacher" himself! He is drugged up with a cocktail of his own
self-importance and arrogance on such an industrial scale it has become obscene.
It does seem he embarrasses Britain every time he opens his mouth.
And I still want to know when will he finally be
brought in front of the war tribunal in The Hague? Lets hope history remembers
him for what he really was.