Sunday 18 August 2013

There's Something About Harriet

The more Harriet Harman opens her mouth to preach to us what we should be doing, the more often she does something different herself. To understand why she's such a hypocrite you have to understand who this champagne socialist is and where she comes from.

Harriet was born the daughter of a Harley Street surgeon and the niece of an Earl. However, despite being born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she sees her self as a class warrior who nobly champions the poor. Now, despite disagreeing with virtually everything that comes out of her mouth, I still admire her support for working class people. What I don't like is the fact that she's so willing to tell us all how we should live our lives whilst doing none of it herself, indeed her preachings often fall strangely silent when all her left wing ideals prove to be inconvenient to Harriet herself.

Schools - Hypocrite !
First time this hypocrisy showed its face was back in 1996. Labour had spent years campaigning against private and selective schools. Harriet actively supported and promoted this policy, but then her son Joe, reached secondary school age. Did Harriet send Joe to the local, bog standard comp' where most of us went? Not a chance !! No, Joe went to St Olaves's in Bromley, St Olave's being a grant maintained grammar school, the very same type of school Harriet wanted rid of. Hypocrisy ! So much for Harriet's ideology there then.

Women in Politics - Hypocrite !
The abject hypocrisy of Harriet Harman knows no bounds. Following the death of Lady Thatcher, Labour’s deputy leader paid tribute in a tweet, saying: ‘First woman PM, a towering figure.’ Nice touch you might think, but Harriet the Hypocrite had come out to play again. It was only a few years previously that Sister Harriet omitted all mention of Mrs T from a major document she had commissioned to salute the role of women in politics over the previous 100 years. Lesser figures were included though, among whom were 

  • Labour’s Baroness Uddin. The first Muslim woman in the Lords, who was later suspended from the chamber for wrongly claiming more than £125,000 of expenses; 
  • Sirimavo Bandaranaike. The world’s first female head of government, who became Prime Minister of Sri Lanka in 1960; 
  • Reina Emily Lawrence. Britain’s first woman councillor, who was elected in Camden in 1907; 
  • Diane Abbott. Britain’s first black woman MP.
The only reference to Lady Thatcher was: ‘1979: UK’s first woman Prime Minister.’ But, pointedly, there was no mention of Lady Thatcher’s name !! Most embarrassingly, officials at Harman’s Equalities Office, which produced the ‘female milestones’ list, were forced to amend it in 2009 in order to add Maggie’s name. Obviously, left wing feminists such as our Harriet only tend to celebrate the achievement of women on the Left, so much for equality! 

It seems, Harriet can’t bear the fact that Lady Thatcher was elected Prime Minister three times by voters while Labour, despite its devotion to patronising stunts such as all-women shortlists, has never had a woman leader !! Why Harriet believes a woman must be given preferential treatment purely because of their gender is odd anyway. Real women want to get to the top because they are good enough, not for some PC reason. Mrs. Thatcher did just that, she proved she was not just as good as any man, but 100 times better, and she proved it three times. The Harriet Harman's of this world will be forgotten whilst Lady Thatcher will go down in history.

All Women Short-lists - Hypocrite !
Which brings me onto my next ‘Harriet the Hypocrite’ story. Our heroin, the ultimate feminist, is very vocal over her total support for pro-women short lists, that is until it comes to her husband being slipped into a safe Labour seat after he retired as a Trade Union boss. Mr Harriet Harman is a guy by the name of Jack Dromey who was a senior official with the Unite union. 

Jack Dromey was one of four final contenders for the Labour nomination in the Birmingham Erdington constituency. The vacancy was created after SiĆ“n Simon announced he was leaving Parliament to seek the (as-yet non-existent) post of Mayor of Birmingham. Erdington is one of Labour’s safest seats. Mr Simon held it with a majority of 9,654 in his last election so a shoe-in forever stood.

At the time, Labour’s National Executive Committee usually insisted that safe Labour seats must select candidates from all-women shortlists. As you'd expect, Harriet Harman, a member of the NEC, was always an enthusiastic backer of such lists. How very strange then that Harriet's dear hubbie, Mr Dromey was able to make the list after Harriet and the rest of the Labour NEC unusually decided not to restrict the seat to female candidates only. Jack was ultimately elected in June 2010. Good old ‘Harriet the Hypocrite’, looks after her own with a bit of nepotism while dictating the complete opposite to the rest of us.

Gambling - Hypocrite !
Skip forward a few years and our Harriet, the people's champion decides she's going to campaign against bookies, the very industry Labour actively legislated for and encouraged when in Government. She lead a ferocious assault against the working man's, and traditional Labour voters haven. In August last year, she admitted that Labour had been wrong to liberalise gambling laws (Harriet admitting Labour was wrong is a rare occurrence in itself), she claimed it has led to poorer areas being over run with bookies. At the time she appeared on Channel 4 News telling them "If we had known then what we know now, we wouldn't have allowed this, because it's ruining people's lives." Since then, Harriet has continued to demand a new law to block betting shops.

Harriet continued this tirade against the bookie into 2013. In a speech earlier this year, our heroin denounced the bookies as "predators ruining people's lives", in the speech back in January she referred to a 'Proliferation of gambling causing a blight on people's lives, but it's also causing a blight on our high streets". Misguided, but admirable conviction, and then in June, with no publicity whatsoever, our Harriet left her role as Labour's gambling spokesman. Strange move you might think, why would someone who felt so passionately about an issue quietly walk away ?

Well ‘Harriet the hypocrite’ had come back again. Her other son, Harry got himself a job in a senior role at Paddy Power. Now in a report she published back in November 2011, Harriet singled out Paddy Power for targeting poor areas with it's bookies. She said "Paddy Power has three shops in Tottenham High Road but none whatsoever in Highgate Village or Muswell Hill." 

So what does Harriet have to say about this latest entrenched ideology that she can't live up to ? Does she still think Paddy Power are predators who destroy lives ? Is her own son a life destroying predator ? Well she has said absolutely nothing. A stony silence from Harman Heights. Come on Harriet, you're still Deputy Leader of The Labour Party, we'd love to know what you think. 

Harriet the Hypocrite
The only time I've seen Harriet well and truly had over was in an interview on Newsnight during the 2011 Riots. Education Secretary, Michael Gove well and truly had the measure of her, she came out of it with more egg on her face than Ed Milliband has had on the back of his head recently. It's well worth a watch if you can find below from YouTube.

What next for Harriet? Does her hypocrisy know no bounds? It appears not. We wait with baited breath for the next time she preaches something to us whilst doing the complete opposite herself. At the end of the day, nobody does pomposity and hypocrisy quite like champagne socialist man-hater Harriet Harman the High Priestess of political correctness.

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