You may
have seen the ‘Go Home’ illegal immigrant vans on the news that were touring
some of the borough’s of London
earlier this year, one is pictured below. Well they’ve just been banned, but
interestingly, NOT for being offensive, irresponsible or racist. No they’ve
been banned because the posters on the vans referred to inaccurate arrest
statistics. Now there’s a turn up for the books.
The Home
Office using misleading data, surely not ? It seems to me, Cameron’s Government
have clearly failed on their claim to reduce legal immigration to tens of
thousands, even when the Government's statistics on legal immigration were
exposed as merely guesses. They still seem to care not a jot for the numbers of
illegal immigrants in the UK for
which negative statistic headlines clearly cannot be produced, other headlines
today about border control data clearly proves this. We still don’t know how
many people are in this country illegally and or legally. One thing the poster
is definitely misleading on, is it tries to make us think that this Government
actually intends to do something about immigration, which it obviously doesn’t.
We need
to remember that telling immigrants to go home and doing something about it are
two different things, and the doing something about it part is totally lacking
from this and the past government. If government are doing something about it
how come they are given bigger houses and bigger handouts than our very own
people, how come their cases goes to the European court whilst ours don't get a
In truth
it’s like Nigel Farage says , it's not the illegal immigrants that are the
problem, it's the 'legal' (ie EU) ones , the ones we can't do a thing about
thanks to Labour opening our borders over ten years ago, that are the problem.
How many are working here and how many indigenous people are unemployed? Do the
maths, unemployable is solvable.
back to the ‘Go Home’ vans. It’s reassuring in many ways that they were banned
on a technicality. When I first saw the headlines I presumed The Guardian
reading, comfy shoe wearing right-on lefties had won again. Oh dear I thought, these
Vans are upsetting illegal immigrants so out comes the race card again! It all
turned out to be complete and utter rubbish, maybe we should now get another
1000 vans out everywhere?
It was
only offensive to the politically correct brigade and the do gooders who find everything
offensive and the very same culprits who create problems where there are none.
I actually found ‘Liberty’s’ van (pictured below, more of a problem because the
wording on their posters could easily have created protests and tensions
amongst disparate groups, then chuck into the mix the EDL and the rent a mob
whose sole purpose is violence & confrontation of police and we're back to
race riots. The Government’s van was saying, if you’re in the UK illegally, we can offer you free advice and
help you to leave the UK
without being arrested as an illegal immigrant.
forget illegal immigrants are criminals, so what is wrong with giving criminals
a clear message? The PC do-gooders will be complaining about posters warning
that there are pickpockets operating next as its offensive to pickpockets.
The ASA are
quoted as saying the poster was "unlikely to cause serious or widespread
offence or distress". So you could say, why ban it then? If someone is in
this country illegally then what is wrong with giving the advice to them to go home?
What, in fact does cause "widespread offence" is the proliferation of
illegal migrants coming into this country and using it like a one stop shop for
welfare, benefits, education and free health care, then trying to change our
laws and customs to reflect their own failed medieval culture. If the illegal
immigrants find it offensive then maybe they could leave these shores and find
a country more tolerant of there incumbent needs and drain on resources.
But, at
the end of the day, the poster vans were a smoke screen, an ill thought out
knee jerk reaction, making out the Tories are strong on immigration. The real
current problem on immigration that is crippling our NHS and schools etc is
uncontrolled EU immigration. Now Mr Cameron you have an opportunity to do
something about that. Give us an in/out EU referendum now or alternatively
close our borders to EU migrants today. We all know this will not happen
though. The Tories are pathetic on immigration that's why the only answer to
sort this particular mess out is to vote UKIP. If we don’t do something, this
once great country of ours is well and truly doomed thanks to successive
spineless governments!
Do I
really think things will get better? Not a chance! What a joke we have become.
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