Wednesday 1 April 2015

100 Random Things That Just Annoy Me

  1. People who wait to turn on their indicators until they are actually turning their steering wheels. I can tell you're going round the bend now, mate - thanks for nothing!
  2. The position of CAPS lock on your keyboard, it should be out of the way of your fingers, better still lose it altogether!
  3. The BBC - who take no notice of their viewers and listeners.
  4. Slow drivers doing 40 in a 60 zone who suddenly find the accelerator pedal when you are overtaking (twats! They should be banned for dangerous driving).
  5. People shopping with their children who have assumed that having children give them special privileges, like no manners and right of way.
  6. People whose voice rises in pitch at the end of every sentence? Making everything they say sound like a question?
  7. The British legal system - Police having to catch the same scumbags twice, once for the crime and again when they let them go and they fail to appear in court or skip bail (now there’s a surprise - who would have thought they were not to be trusted?)
  8. Jamie Oliver.
  9. Americans that think all British people are just people that eat biscuits/drink tea and constantly talk like Mary Poppins which as you know we don’t, at least we can say police without saying po - lice as if they have some sort of speech impediment.
  10. 12 a.m. and 12 p.m.
  11. The arrogance of the cycling Spandex Set.
  12. Book borrowers who will not return your book, even when asked.
  13. Muzak - particularly in restaurants.
  14. Shops that say "We don't get much call for that. . ."
  15. Litter - ie cans, bottles, chewing gum, fast food cartons, dog ends and cig packets.
  16. People who urinate in car parks and subways .
  17. Knobs who shout down their mobile.
  18. Not using bus lanes out of hours.
  19. All road humps, bumps, chicanes
  20. Lefties
  21. Noticing someone not washing their hands as they exit the toilets after they have obviously just taken a dump – dirty gits!
  22. Dogs that won't stop yapping.
  23. People that talk too much, especially when what they have to say is nonsensical and pointless.
  24.  People who refuse to learn how anything technological works.
  25.  Junk mail, both physical and electronic.
  26. Chavs – nuff said
  27. People who talk on their mobiles while paying for something
  28. People who ring you up and then start eating while talking to you
  29. Snobs
  30. Political correctness
  31. The EU
  32. Old people who think they are better than everyone and therefore have priority over everything.
  33. People at Starbucks who order the most complicated drink you’ve ever heard when all you want is a plain filter coffee.
  34. Finding dog shit in my garden – I haven’t got a dog
  35. People that listen to their music really loud when wearing headphones
  36. Stupid people, especially the ones who are so stupid, they don't even know they're stupid
  37. People who say "like" many times in each sentence as if they’re a young American girl.
  38. People who pronounce the letter "h" as haitch
  39. “H” from Steps
  40. Obese people who use disability scooters because they've eaten too much and won't carry their own body weight on perfectly usable legs.
  41. People who are over 18 and use text speak
  42. Drivers who can’t be arsed indicating.
  43. Career politicians
  44. Chavs who wear their pants tucked in their socks and walk round with their hands down the front cupping their balls.
  45. Foreign call centres and their rude, nosy staff
  46. Automated phone systems 
  47. Fat women dressing like they are a size 8 and letting it all hang out – yuk
  48. People who drive round the outside of roundabouts so you think they are coming out at your exit - but then shoot across your front bumper.
  49. Roadwork’s that cone off miles of road with no sign of any work occurring
  50. Cyclists. They seem to be above the law. They ride up one way streets the wrong way, on pavements, without lights at night. They also wear silly clothing and daft hats
  51. People who answer a mobile phonel when they are in the middle of a conversation with you!
  52. Bubble wrapped goods that are almost impossible to open and wasteful of resources.
  53. Sticky price labels on DIY items which can only be removed with special solvents and 10 minutes of scrubbing.
  54. Arrogant able bodied idiots who use disabled parking spaces
  55. Ed Balls
  56. Use of the word 'need' instead of 'must' or 'should'.
  57. Overpaid public sector employees
  58. Ambulance chasers – we don’t all want to make a claim mate !
  59. People who ram pasties and pies into their fat mouths whilst walking in shopping malls.
  60. Fat people and anyone over 25 in replica soccer kits.
  61. White people who talk as if they are Jamaican
  62. People who come up and press the button on the pedestrian crossing when it is quite obvious you have been standing there for ages, and you have already pressed the button. The light is already on, it doesn't make the lights change any quicker
  63. People (mostly ladies I'm afraid) who block the aisles of supermarkets chatting
  64. Premiership footballers wages and some of the truly stupid footballers like Balotelli.
  65. Cyclists riding on the pavement.
  66. Shop assistants who talk to their colleagues whilst serving you
  67. Online pictures of cats
  68. Cash machine slowcoaches, what are they keying in? Their life story? And why do they stare at the cash that's come out for at least a minute before taking it?
  69. Inconsiderate parkers who take up two parking spaces.
  70. When people chuck their rubbish out of the car window.
  71. When people start boarding the train before everyone has gotten off.
  72. Motorcyclists weaving in and out of the traffic.
  73. PPI calls.
  74. Noisy eaters.
  75. People walking along the street with their faces glued to a smart phone screen then looking incredulously at you when they crash into you.
  76. Mothers pushing their huge prams with a tiny kid inside along the middle of the pavement and not moving out of the way when you try to get past.
  77. Traffic lights on roundabouts. Ridiculous, we've driven the roads for years and years without them, they hold you up again and again, your light goes green, you get 20yds another red light, it goes green and another 20yds another red light. The intention of a roundabout is to keep the flow of traffic going, traffic lights don’t.
  78. Fat people about three of them, taking up the whole pavement walking very slow
  79. Mothers that let their little shits run around supermarkets causing havoc
  80. In a restaurant after your first mouthful, then you hear “is everything alright with your meal?”
  81. Jehovah's Witnesses
  82. Tony Bliar
  83. People who complain how fat they are when they're so obviously skinny.
  84. Singers who mime because they can’t actually sing, eg Cheryl Cole.
  85. People that don’t laugh and only say “LOL”.
  86. Having to pay to use public lavatories.
  87. Indecisive people at Starbucks.
  88. When the driver in front of you continuously brakes for absolutely no reason.
  89. Showing up to an appointment early or on time only to be kept waiting for over 30 minutes
  90. Consultants
  91. People who don't accelerate on the motorway on-slip road.
  92. When mothers with pushchairs take up the whole pavement then act annoyed when other people need to get through.
  93. When people leave their shopping trolleys in the middle of parking spaces.
  94. When you purposely hold the door for someone and they don’t acknowledge it.
  95. When cyclists don’t stop for red lights or obey signs on the road.
  96. When people get off of an escalator and just stop.
  97. When I'm in the six person deep checkout line at the supermarket, and the last person in line quickly jumps over into the just opened till before everyone else who has been waiting longer. This person is an arsehole. Don't be this arsehole.
  98. When there is a lane closure up ahead, and instead of merging with ample warning, the people who speeds up to where the lane is closing and then expects to be let in ahead of everyone else. I hate these knobs with a burning passion and I never let them in.
  99. Celebrity fitness DVDs
  100. Endless furniture sale ads

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