Tuesday 14 January 2014

Religion. Sorry, I Just Don't Buy it

Happy New Year one and all, the season of greed and madness has passed and we're into another year, another year of experience and progress and another year closer to shuffling off this mortal coil.

What's changed then ?  
Well nothing really from what I see, the economy is finally picking up, can't say I've noticed it in my pay packet though. The Government still aren't listening to us about all sorts of things, like immigration, HS2, EU Membership etc. The fracking debate goes on and I'm still not clear where I stand as the messages are so mixed, maybe the subject of a future blog. The Labour Party are still un-electable in their current form. 

What else ? 
Oh yeah, our under equipped soldiers are still fighting other peoples wars. These wars, and to be honest virtually all modern wars are a result of one religion's people trying to eliminate an opposing religion's people. Oh and there was all that appalling weather, the flooding, people without power on Christmas day, the deaths as a consequence of the weather. There's a link between wars and the weather and that's religion. People fight wars for their religion, people also believe that the weather is an 'Act of God'. So it seems we have a deity that is happy to willfully murder people by causing terrible weather conditions, either that or by allowing them to murder each other in his name. I'm not really buying this, are you ?

Nice Architecture, that's about all though!
I quite like good architecture, churches are generally fine, attractive buildings, they do have those monolithic stained glass windows though; all those images in them of Jesus Christ being crucified on a cross. That just gives me the horrors, sends shivers down my spine. I can't understand the way God is represented in church. He's not exactly a barrel of laughs, is he? I thought the whole idea is that religion is meant to give you comfort and happiness yet the God Squad are always so terribly dour and serious.

I honestly can't see that religion gives much pleasure to people at all. If someone genuinely believes that they're going to end up in heaven, surely they should be spending their entire lives with a huge smile on their face. I don't go along with any of it. It seems so patently obvious to me that the whole this is one big con, one giant delusion of wishful thinking and all it does is pit people against each other and creates at least as much damage and bad feeling as politicians do.

The world would be a much safer, happier place if people embraced the idea that death just might be the end, so why not try and do good while they're here on earth, not get away with hatred and murder in the expectation that they'll be forgiven in the next life.

Religion is Control
Religion and control seem to go hand in hand, much as communism and control did. When you're a Christian, or a Muslim or a Jew (or whatever religion you may be), your beliefs are taught to you. In a sense, you are told what to believe and most people just do what they're told. The result of this is that you live in a controlled society, only accepting what you're told to accept because you think that your beliefs are better than other people's and you will accept no other opinions, you only have to look what's happening in the Muslim world to evidence what I'm saying. 

As you've probably guessed, I'm an atheist, I've developed my own opinions. I don't feel pressured by religious teachings to accept thoughts that may not really be what your heart wants you to believe or head tells you is just plain impossible. Being an atheist allows me to be free to examine multiple sides to arguments, and be open-minded on others' opinions. I control my own life. 

I might be an atheist, a none believer, but I'm not against God or people believing in God. I am merely against people who use their religion as a weapon, and who use it publicly trying to force it on other people. Beliefs should be private and sacred. In general, globally, religious people try to use what they've been taught to be above other people where atheists don't. In my opinion, atheism is about being open to learning and developing, whereas religion isn't. 

Does God Exist ?
If God actually existed we would ALL believe in him or her. But the evidence points more to the fact that the reason God was invented was because thousands of years ago, they did not know how to explain our existence. Today however, our origins are somewhat clearer.   

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