Tuesday 17 December 2013

Romania and Bulgaria Unite !!

I see in various reports over the weekend that the Unite union is offering to teach unemployed Romanians and Bulgarians how to claim benefits in Britain. That’s very good of them isn’t it, just what this country needs !!

It seems Unite, who are Labour’s biggest funder, is courting foreigners from the two countries as part of a membership drive. It is offering the advice as a reward for signing up to the union. It has even issued membership forms in Romanian and Bulgarian, this despite both the Government and Labour saying immigrants should learn English. The unemployed immigrants are being offered the chance to join the union for just 50p a week. In return, Unite says it will offer new arrivals with advice on how to maximise benefit claims.

Ministers have refused to estimate how many immigrants will arrive from these two Eastern European impoverished countries but history has already proven that it will probably run into hundreds of thousands in the coming years.

Tory MP Priti Patel has called Unite’s behaviour “shameless”, adding, “It is incredibly irresponsible and I’m afraid it just sums up the attitude of Labour and the trade unions towards EU immigration.”. Can't disagree with you there Priti !! 

Let Down
I’m sure every existing Unite Member who thinks his job could be at risk in the near future really welcomes this initiative. More likely Unite is recruiting abroad to make up for all those who have abandoned their membership in the UK as they feel they have been so badly let down by the people they thought were there to actually protect their interests.

Once upon a time, not so long ago, the unions looked after the British workers. Read my blog of the 28th November, where I cover how Labour and the Unions were opposed to our membership of the EU until the late 80s. Not anymore.

If you belong to Unite you are helping to finance the Labour party. Unite is promoting immigration so immigrants can come here and take British jobs. Labour is also staying very quiet because they are making a very good living out of their union contributions. If you’re a Unite member and are against the Labour party policy's and you are against mass immigration you need to question whether Unite are traitors and are taking your money under false pretences.

I think the populous now recognise that Labour is no more than the political wing of Unite. Milliband is boxed in and must dance to McClusky's tune or his party is bust. As they might say, McClusky has him by the Balls. Milliband has yet to learn that there is no such thing as a free meal and if you are going to drink with the devil then use a long handled spoon.

The Elephant in the Room
The real elephant in the room is the funding of our political parties. Both sides are funded by organisations with a vested interest in that party’s success. What can we do ? Well, we either bite the bullet and agree to them being funded by the state, or we accept that they must continue to beg for cash as and where they can; with all that that implies. 

State funding has much to recommend it.  It would do away at a stroke with the vested interests buying influence, in theory at least. The problem as I see it is that it would soon become an open ended commitment, costing the taxpayer more and more.   No matter what controls the state tried to impose, the politicians would find a way round it, it's the nature of the beast.   In addition, there is little appetite for state funding among the electorate.

If it seems we maintain the status quo, that we’re not going to provide state funding, then we have to accept the current flawed system. We have to accept that nobody gives large sums of money away without expecting a quid pro quo.  There is no such thing as a free lunch, after all.   Ed Milliband faces problems, but what else can he do?  If he gets tough with Unite, the taps will be turned off.  The phrase ‘a rock and a hard place’ springs to mind.

Maybe they should be funded by their party members and supporters only and what money they can raise from them should be open to public scrutiny? If a Political Party cannot find the necessary funding from its members then it shouldn’t exist. If we were to cut all state support, we should also limit contributions to say a maximum of £10k per member, just watch MPs and their party change the way they behave if we did that. It would also be essential that any politicians that are being backed by organisations, institutions, business or religious interests, should have, by law to declare those interests.

Back to Unite and the Romanians and Bulgarians
It feels like I’m watching a terrible car crash in slow motion, powerless to stop or influence the oncoming tragedy. Our politicians continue to serve nobody but themselves, deaf and blind to the electorate.  I suppose it’s a case of welcome to the world of dirty politics. It truly feels that these people will do anything to get the votes these days.

New Labour admitted this was Labour's plan to stay in power all along. Unlimited immigrants claiming benefits and voting Labour. Today’s Labour party has long deserted their traditional "working class" supporters by importing immigrants to steal their jobs or claim benefits.

What about the unemployed British working class and their jobs? The Unions used to fight for the British-working class, and in trying to improve working conditions and pay, now they are just an extreme-left political organisation determined to bring Britain down. Unite should think of what will happen when the same Bulgarians and Romanians they help, start taking their members jobs for less money.

At The End of the Day
All the prospective immigrants want, is to come here for a better life. The fact that them coming, harms those here already is ignored, whether they be indigenous or other immigrants. 

I also want a better life. David Cameron has a better standard of living and house than me and I want to move in with him but I suppose it's too much to hope that he will take me in. At the end of the day, it's the same thing as the poor of the EU coming here, isn’t it?

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